This is a bit a loaded question...
What is (im)moral?
Is a person who rejects the Bible view of sex immoral? Is one who follows the Bible rules moral?
What about people following opposing sacred texts?
Morality is subjective.
People following a set of rules are not moral, they are simply obeying, possibly without thinking for themselves.
Interestingly, Lawrence Kohlberg wrote about the stages of moral development.
These are (according to him):
Level 1 (Pre-Conventional)
1. Obedience and punishment orientation
(How can I avoid punishment?)
2. Self-interest orientation
(What's in it for me?)
(Paying for a benefit)
Level 2 (Conventional)
3. Interpersonal accord and conformity
(Social norms)
(The good boy/girl attitude)
4. Authority and social-order maintaining orientation(Law and order morality)Level 3 (Post-Conventional)5. Social contract orientation6. Universal ethical principles(Principled conscience)
Obeying rules because rules are to obeyed is far less moral than thinking about the ethics of some behaviour.
Example: socializing (JW meetings) or not socializing (shunning family) because a rule says so, is less moral than thinking about the ethics of the behaviour, and the rights every human has (the right to not socialize with someone, the right to socialize with whomever you want).
So regardless of which specific choice is made, it's the method to reach that choice that determines the level of morality.
Have I become more moral?Yes. I no longer do or do not things because of the JW/Bible set of rules, but because I now think about my choices and opinions.